Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Me and the Miller Light Beer Guy
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Speed Training
Playing Speed is a combination of starting speed, Acceleration speed, top end speed, change of direction speed, stopping speed, closing speed. Playing speed for team sports is very different than training for sprinting events in track and field. Speed is "the ability to move components of the kinetic chain through the required range of motion in the fastest possible time". Maximum speed by itself does not guarantee athletic success. All sports has different demands for speed, agility, and quickness. For example, baseball, football, basketball, soccer, and tennis all require different levels of speed, agility, and quickness development.
Integrated Speed Training Incorporates:
- Straight-Ahead Speed
- Agility (lateral speed
- Quickness (Reaction time)
Baseball and Softball
- Starting ability
- Reaction Time
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
- Change of Direction
Soccer, Lacrosse, Field Hockey
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
- Change of Direction
- Starting ability
- Stride Rate
- Stride Length
- Speed Endurance
Basketball and Raquet Sports
- Reaction Time
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
- Change of Direction
- Starting Ability
- Speed Endurance
*Ways to improve speed, agility, and quickness
- Improve starting speed
- Improve reaction time
- Improve acceleration time
- Improve deceleration time
- Improve change of direction speed
- Increase stride length
- Increase stride frequency
- Improve speed endurance
Monday, July 27, 2009
Stretch to Win
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ian Snell- Resisted Bungy Shuffles
Good for neuromuscular recruitment, leg strength, and core activation.. As functional as it gets!! Who said baseball players don't work hard or aren't athletes?? I definintely refute all perceptions.. Check it out.
Ian Snell 24 inch Box Jumps
Incorporating Box Jumps for rate of force production and a fast twitch pitcher.. Again pitcher and performance strengths specific. I'm actually jumping up on the box in this one.. I tried to show him up a litttle bit... ha.
Clip of Ian Snell's(RHP) Jump Rope Workout
This is a workout the day after he starts.. I like to incorporate Jump Rope drills for him for reactive strength/agility/ and proprioception. He's an athletic, power pitcher so its imperative to train according to his performance strengths and in the proper energy system. This also aids in recovery by helping rid the body of waste products produce from pitching 5 innings. Check it out!